Non-Profit Platform

Non-Profit Platform

This is a business platform built between Germany and Jinan, with Oulong as the driving force. This non-profit activity is substantially supported by the Jinan Innovation Zone and funds from Oulong. The goal is to establish a platform to help small and medium-sized companies in Europe and China develop business activities in each other's locations with minimal risk and minimal capital. We assist in the search for reliable cooperation partners and investors and in creating the necessary business foundations for companies (business location, establishment, accounting and staff recruitment). For this purpose, we operate an Innovation Center/Incubator in Leinfelden-Echterdingen near Stuttgart, offering native language support and approximately 1,000 m² of fully equipped office and conference rooms. In Jinan, China, we can also offer similar services to German companies.

China has transformed from the world's factory to a sought-after technology partner, seeking cooperation and harmony and requiring equal treatment. It's not surprising that competition arises; competition has been a driving force of technological advancement for centuries. Dependencies are mutual and should be better described as "reliance on each other." China's economy has developed rapidly in recent years and continues to change dynamically. For most high-tech parks in China, we expect the following target models in the future:

  • Settlement of foreign technologies and IP in China. The focus is also on innovative projects by smaller companies, which are too weak for entry into the Chinese market on their own. Cooperation with a stronger local partner generates synergies for a successful appearance in the vast and still growing Chinese market.
  • Searching for competent mid-sized companies on both sides that pursue product and market strategies together at both locations; for instance, product and technology development and the provision of technical services from Germany by hiring the appropriate experts.

For this purpose, Oulong, the Jinan Innovation Zone, and the city of Dresden launched a joint non-profit activity in 2012 and established corresponding offices in the three locations (since 2016). The platform supports all interested companies beyond Jinan and Dresden.